Yellow Teeth: Causes and Treatment Options

June 30, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 9:27 pm
Woman smiling with teeth whitening in Temple
Mouth and teeth before and after whitening

June has come, and it is hot! The temperature combined with the humidity has you reaching for a cold glass of refreshing soda while cooling off on your porch. By July, you can see a noticeable difference in your teeth. Once white, they now have a yellow tinge and a few stains.

If this sounds familiar, then you are not alone. While aging and genetics both play a role in discoloration, everyday habits can also impact their brightness. Below are four common causes of yellow teeth and how teeth whitening in Temple can help restore your smile! 


How Your Dental Team Cleans Their Instruments

June 9, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 10:04 pm
Dentist in Temple cleaning tools

You were expecting a reminder about your summer dental appointment, but you didn’t anticipate the anxiety that would come with it. After all, when you scheduled this appointment at the start of 2020 there wasn’t a pandemic to consider. Now, there are stay-at-home orders in place and social distancing guidelines around every corner.

Fortunately, your dentist has practiced infection control guidelines set forth by the CDC and OHSA long before COVID-19. To ease your concerns about your upcoming appointment, your dentist in Temple is sharing how your dental team cleans their instruments.
