Dental Anxiety? Calm Your Nerves with Sedation Dentistry in Temple

April 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 6:58 pm

a woman scared of the dentistHave you ever heard the saying, “It’s time to face your fears?” Well, if one of your fears is going to the dentist, it may be easier said than done. The drills, scraping, and potential pulling sends you into a state of such extreme anxiety that it’s all you can do not to pick up the phone and “reschedule.” Before you do, why not learn more about the different types of sedation dentistry in Temple. Discover how it can help put you at ease even if all you need is a general cleaning.


Worried About Oral Cancer? Your Dentist in Temple Wants You to Be Screened

April 4, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 6:31 pm

an oral cancer signDo you ever worry about the risks of oral cancer? When you think about the dentist office, you’re probably more concerned about having a few cavities or your dentist reminding you that you’re not flossing enough. But what about the likeliness of you developing oral cancer? If that thought hasn’t crossed your mind, you may want to listen up. Your dentist is your first line of defense when it comes to this horrible disease, and if you want to receive successful treatment, early detection is key. A dentist in Temple explains the importance of oral cancer screenings.
