Will My Dental Implant Surgery be a Painful Experience?

May 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 8:37 pm
older woman with dental implants in Temple

You’ve considered the different options for replacing your missing teeth, and dental implants appear to be your best choice. There’s one problem, though: the potential of being in pain. Do you really have anything to worry about? Continue reading to find out if receiving dental implants in Temple is a painful process.


Here’s Why It’s of the Utmost Importance to Floss Daily!

May 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfossum @ 8:57 pm
woman visiting dentist in Temple

Maintaining healthy teeth and gums isn’t complicated at all. It simply starts with practicing consistent and proper dental hygiene. Like most people, you’re sure to brush your teeth at least once or twice a day. What about flossing, though? Do you struggle to remain consistent in this area? If so, continue reading, as a dentist in Temple explains why flossing is so important!
